MCHENRY COUNTY, IL — Summer is just around the corner, and the McHenry County Conservation District will begin taking reservations for group campgrounds Monday. According to MCCD, the first camping weekend is June 12. Group campgrounds will be limited to 10 people or fewer and offered at discounted prices per night ($25 for residents, $50 for non-residents) for your individual family 's exclusive use.
There will be a surcharge per night during Fourth of July Weekend (July 3 through 5) and Labor Day Weekend.
In addition, MCCD sites and trails are open as long as the rules contained in Gov. J.b. Pritzker's Executive Order are followed, including all social distancing and gathering requirements. Site restrooms and pit toilets are open, however all buildings and visitor centers remain closed to the public, MCCD added.
Illinois Coronavirus Update May 28: 115,833 Cases, 5,186 Deaths; Don't miss updates about precautions in the Algonquin area and across McHenry County as they are announced. Sign up for Patch news alerts and newsletters.
More summer 2020 outdoor activities:
Conservation Kids — Activities in a Box: Pickup your weekly kit and join MCCD online every weekday at 10 a.m. for one week to learn about fun things you can see and do based on the theme of the week. Be prepared to head outside, your backyard or your favorite MCCD site for self-guided adventures. (For kids ages 8 to 12) >> Register now
Roving Naturalists: Stop by and visit with a MCCD Naturalist at a new conservation area each week. Ask questions about what is blooming, animals that are out and about, and get recommendations for a great hike. No registration required. Adults and families; ages 5 and up. >> View dates, times and locations
Become an Outdoor Explorer: Exploring outdoors keeps kids active, happy, and healthy. Need a little extra help motivating your kids to step away from the computer screen and onto the trails? Purchase a full color Outdoor Explorer activity book. Challenge your kids physically, intellectually, and creatively by having them complete scavenger hunts, wildlife observations, tree measurements, hiking challenges and more. Complete at least 10 pages of activities by Sept. 30 and redeem a prize.
Story continues
Related: McHenry County Conservation District Updates: May 2020
The FOX Club (Families Outside eXploring): This is a free opportunity designed to help families spend quality time outdoors while learning about nature. As a member of the FOX Club, families receive an exploration backpack, Conservation District site and trail maps, fun seasonal activity ideas, and a bimonthly newsletter. "As we navigate our new normal we will find creative ways to keep your family engaged and connected!" >> Join online.
Century Hikers Club: Looking to get outdoors and enjoy the natural areas of McHenry County Conservation District? The Century Hikers will motivate you to hit different milestones and receive a variety of rewards! Members can participate in exclusive programs. Hike with others by joining "The Trail Pack." Enrollment is easy!
More information and updates:
This article originally appeared on the Algonquin-Lake In The Hills Patch
Bartle Scout Camp - Moving Into Campsite Ep 2

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